‘Conclusive benchmark tests have been conducted with multiple chipsets, CPUs and motherboards, your assurance of highest possible speed and uncompromising compatibility.’.‘In general, the NEC MultiSync LCD2080UX performed well during benchmark tests.’.‘The low - cost processors perform beautifully in our benchmark tests.’.‘But let's move on to see how it performed in our standard benchmark tests, as compared to other 875P-based motherboards.’.‘In one WorldBench benchmark test Mozilla and MS Media Encoder run in parallel.’.‘On the Cadalyst Labs C2001 benchmark test, the FX 1400 scored 130.67-comfortably within the range usually posted by high-end cards.’.‘The Comanche 4 benchmark test would not run at all on the Intel graphics chip, as no hardware T&L was detected.’.
‘I evaluated each monitor on how well it met the minimum configuration requirements specified, its benchmark test results, features, warranty, and documentation.’.‘The SPC allows it to be switched off during a benchmark test because it is a supported configuration which customers are not discouraged from using.’.‘In the case of platform-compliance scores, for instance, you could map the different elements of your benchmark test and assign each element a color based on how risky it is and a size based on how often it was left exposed.’.‘I used the FireWire connection to scan the benchmark test drawing, though ultra-wide SCSI is available.’.‘For the benchmark test, a 20GB database was created to represent four separate mailboxes.’.
#Benchmark tests drivers#